Saturday, September 3, 2011


last night rocked! we always have decent turnout and a good time playing at bruar falls, and last night was the best yet. we were worried that the true jacqueline might not make it down in time from massachusetts, but they made it ok. most of justice of the unicorns was stuck upstate due to hurricane irene damage, so russ played a solo set to start off the night. he was good given the circumstances, but i was really looking forward to hearing the whole band. hopefully i'll be able to catch them sometime soon.

tru-jac played a really good set as the crowd grew a little bigger, and by the time gold streets went on, the place was really hopping. gold streets were one of the first bands i saw when i moved to brooklyn 4 years ago and they are super nice and always put on a good show. they've been working on a new recording and we can't wait to give it a listen.

we played a pretty good set, i think the philly set was the best we've ever played (and there was no one there to see it!), but thursday in noho, and last night at BF were really solid. gavin had a little guitar trouble, which lead to me attempting to play (and f'ing butchering) the solo in "red car", and we played "love is a losing game" without him, which meant we skipped the guitar solo, which sucks, cause i thought it was awesome. honestly, i didn't know how it would work covering that song, i think we really kinda made it our own.


helen of troy
holy bones
red car
sleeping contest
secret show
love is a losing game
sea + enemy
free love

we had a blast on this little mini tour, but sadly, our days of playing together as a real working band are coming to an end. we are going to put out a 5 song ep over the next couple of months and play a release show for that. jeff and i will keep the planes going, but we're going to need a new bassist and guitarist, as sacha and gavin need time to pursue other endeavors. the four of us have had a wonderful time playing together, thanks in no small part to the mountains of support that we've gotten from all of our friends and fans out there.

people ask me why i still play music after years and years of work with no real commercial success. the answer is that i do it for all the other bands out there who put up countless hours of work for fleeting moments of glory, and for all the people who come out and spend their time and hard earned money supporting unknown acts in tiny bars because they understand that a community is a machine and even the smallest part is necessary to the function of the whole.

if you're a musician out there, on hard times, and someone out there asks you why you still do it, tell them you do it for me. i'll meet you at a show in the stratosphere. i'll buy the first round.


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